1. XXI. Congress of Union of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Pediatric Societties


(UMEMPS). İzmir, Türkiye, Octomber 24-27, 1993.


2. Workshop on Pediatric Urodynamics. İzmir, Türkiye, October 2, 1995.


3. Elwventh Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association. London, UK,


September  12-16, 1998.


4. 33th  Annual Meeting of the European Sosiety for Paediatric Nephrology . Prague, Czech


Pepublic, September 2-5, 1999.


5. XXXVI  Europen Renal Association -  European Dialysis and Transplant Association


(ERA-EDTA). Madrid, Spain, September 5-8, 1999.


6. 2nd Emergency Medicine Symposium. İzmir, Türkiye, Octomber 30, 1999.


7. IV Congress of balkan cities association of nephrology, dialysis , transplantation and


artificial organs. İzmir,  November  14-16, 1999.


8. 20th Annual Meeting of the Eupopean Society for Paediatric Infectitious Diseases ESPID).


Noordwijk, Netherlands, May 3-5, 2000.


9. 19th Annual Meeting of the Eupopean Society for Paediatric Infectitious Diseases


ESPID).İstanbul, Türkiye, March 26-28, 2001.


10. 12th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association. Seattle, USA,


September 1-5, 2001.


11. 37th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. Madrid,


Spain, April 15-21, 2002.


12. 36th  Annual Meeting of the European Sosiety for Paediatric Nephrology . Bilbao, Spain,


September 20-23, 2002.


13. World Congress of Nephrology, Berlin,  June 8-12, 2003.


14. 5th European Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection. Rhodes, Greece, October 17-20,




15. Fourth International Congress  of Uremic Researchs and Toxicity. İzmir,  September  2005.


16. 39th  Annual Meeting of the European Sosiety for Paediatric Nephrology. İstanbul,


Türkiye, September 10-13, 2005.


17. 25th Annual Dialysis Conference, 11 th Internatiomal Symposiumon Hemodialysis, 16 th


Annual Symposium on Pediatric Dialysis.Tapma, Florida, USA, February 27- March 3,2005.


18. 29th Umemps Congress Union of Middle Eastern and Meditterranean Pediatric Societies.


İstanbul, September 14-17, 2005.


19. 11th Congress of the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD). Hong Kong,


Chine, Augsut 25-29, 2006.


20. 40th Annual Meeting of the European Sosiety for Paediatric Nephrology. Palermo, Itally,


October 7-10, 2006.


21. 14th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association. Budapest –


Hungary,31 August - 4 September 2007.


22. 8th European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting.Helsinki, Finland, July 7-10, 2007.


23. 42nd Annual meeting ESPN. Lyon, France, September 11-14, 2008.


24. 3rd Southeast European pediatric nephrology working group meeting (SEPNWG).


Nevşehir, Turkey, October 9-12, 2008.


25. International Podocyte Disorders Symposium. Ankara, Turkey, October 8, 2010.


26. Genetics in Nepghrology:From DNA to Kidney Diseases. İzmir, Turkey October 06, 2012.


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